"One man alone cannot fight the future.”
Phoenix Worm (USA)The first company in the world that commercialized black soldier fly
JM Green (China)Using black soldier fly larvae as a tool for large scale waste management
en.gzunique.cn/Unique Biotech. (China)Producing black soldier fly eggs for mass production capacity
Bioforte (China)Mass-production of black soldier fly larvae
Hatch Biosystems (Australia)
Black soldier fly as waste management tool in Australia
Laura Gasco, PhD
Food Science, Aquaculture,
Animal Science |
Heather Jordan, PhD
Probiotic Culture, |
Longyu Zheng, PhD
BSF Mass Breeding,
Microbiology, Product Development |
Dewi Apri Astuti, PhD
Animal Nutrition & Feed Technology,
Animal Science |
Wenfeng Hu, PhD
BSF Breeding, Probiotic Development |
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