Around the world, food is wasted at an enormous rate, of which many people are unaware. Greater than 30% of all food produced ends up uneaten, and almost all of that ends up in landfills. In addition to leftovers on your plate, food is wasted at nearly every point between production and consumption. Waste occurs during processing, handling, storage, transportation, and preparation. And this doesn't even include the inedible portions of the plants left in after the edible parts (e.g. tomatoes, bell peppers, brussel sprouts, etc.) have been harvested. Collectively, cereals (grains) and vegetables make up approximately 50% of wasted food worldwide. In industrialized countries, the amount of cereals wasted annually is equivalent to over 750 BILLION boxes of pasta, and the amount of fruits and vegetables is equivalent to 3.7 TRILLION apples! Food waste produces of approximately 135 million tons of greenhouse gases annually. Did you know that in terms of global carbon dioxide production, food waste is the NUMBER 3 contributor, behind China and the United States, and is more than double that of all ground transportation in the US?
Approximately 30% of the world's food enters the landfill, while millions of people go hungryFood waste is a serious issue, contributing to the decline of the health of our planet.