By the year 2050, agricultural production will fail to meet the demand of our growing global population, especially in terms of animal protein production.
Current practices for animal feed production are unsustainable:
75% of world soybean production goes to feed livestock
40% of US corn production goes to feed livestock
15% (24 million tons!) of wild caught fish are processed into fish meal and fish oil for feed production
Black soldier flies are the answer to solving the world's problems of producing protein for animal feed, while also reducing our reliance and impact on marine fisheries. Larvae of the black soldier fly are very nutritious, containing 45% protein and 35% fat.
In the US, larvae of the black soldier fly are the only insect approved for use as an animal feed (for production of salmonid fish species).
In Canada, larvae of the black soldier fly are approved for use as feed for broiler production and salmonid fish.